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Vol. 49 – Concerti per violino V ‘Per Pisendel’ – 2012

Vol. 49- Concerti per violino V ‘Per Pisendel’ – 2012

Available on : see links

Concerti per violino et archi ‘Per Pisendel’ RV 177, 212a, 246, 370, 242, 379, 328

Dmitry SINKOVSKY, violino e direzione Il Pomo d’oro

One of 110 concertos for violin by Antonio Vivaldi housed in Turin (there are a total of 230 in existence). Vivaldi’s violin concertos display a wealth of variety and imagination and tend to demand great technical skill.

DISTINCTIONS : Diapason d’or (mars 2013) – 4 étoiles de Classica (mars 2013) – Hi-Res Audio (décembre 2012)

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